Basic Guide For Buying And Using A Classic Vibrator

Basic Guide For Buying And Using A Classic Vibrator

Shopping for a sex toy can be very uncomfortable, especially if you're new to it. Aside from the awkwardness of it all, how do you know you're getting a premium product? You certainly can't test it out at the shop. So you're purchasing in the dark and hoping against hope that you aren't getting a dud.

Thankfully, you don't have to put yourself in that position. In this article, I'll give you a practical guide to purchasing a classic vibrator. I'll be answering all your questions, from whether the shape matters, to whether you care about the material the vibrator is made with.


Think Of Size

This may seem like obvious advice, but it is one many people don't take. If you're a first-timer, you probably don't know what size will suit you. You could enjoy very large vibrators, and you may get maximum pleasure from smaller ones.

A good way to know the size that will suit you is to remember what size you prefer during sex and masturbation. If you're okay with just your finger, a larger vibrator may feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, if you like partners with bigger penises, you could go for a larger vibrator. Lastly, if you like to have discreet fun, you should go for a small vibrator that can be disguised as a household or regular item. For example, you could get something that could be mistaken for lipstick.


Listen To The Sound It Makes

Many people have bought vibrators and discovered that it was too loud or sounded too annoying. Once you've picked out something you like, make sure you listen to what it sounds like. If you've got roommates or neighbours who can listen in, you don't want to get something that sounds too loud.


Pay Attention To Material and Texture

Don't just get something in a pack, fumble it into your bag, and go home. There's a very good chance the vibrator could be made with a material that you're uncomfortable with. So it's important that you handle the toy yourself before getting it. Note the material and texture, and make sure it's exactly the sort of build you'd want.

Most companies make use of silicone, as it's a very comfortable material, and very few people have allergic reactions to it. It also transmits vibration well, and it’s non-porous. Aside from that, it's super easy to clean with soap and water. 

Other great sex toy materials include metal, stainless steel, and hard plastic. Now, it's important for you to generally avoid jelly-feeling rubber toys. There aren't many of these around anymore because they contain phthalates, which are rather harmful.


Make Sure You Like How It Looks

No matter what you read online about a sex toy, no matter how good they say it'll make you feel, if you don't like how it looks, you won't like how it makes you feel. Don't get a vibrator that looks scary or unattractive. Make sure you pick a vibrator that looks comforting and is in a colour you love. That way you'll be able to enjoy using it.


Choose One That You Can Easily Customise

Unless you're a collector of sex toys, you don't want to be purchasing a vibrator every other day. So when purchasing one, you should get something that fits all of your moods. Make sure what you're getting has a lot of features that will keep you interested in it for a while. You also want to get a sex toy that you can easily customise without having to look up manuals on the internet.

If you are looking for the best range of sex toys to help you broaden your sexual horizons, then please feel free to drop into one of our stores or call us today on 1800 666 069. We are always here to help!


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